Sunday, 11 August 2013

Vampire Counts Ogres to Crypt Horror Conversion Project 6

Some more photos of my Crypt Horror conversions

I have added some stud adhesive to give the bases texture and then placed tomb / grave stones into the bases as well.

Now for undercoating using Army Painter Necrotic Flesh spray cans

Basing Miniatures - Website Links

I found this website link for basing and thought I would list others here over time as a reference:

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Vampire Counts Ogres to Crypt Horrors Conversion Project 5

I have finished the conversion work on my first unit of 8 ogres from Games Workshop. Just 6 more to go
Pretty happy with the result. As you can see the ogres I bought are second hand and have been undercoated in black and some painting in orange  etc. This give a really patchy effect at the moment.  A new undercoat / basecoat will fix that!
Next step is to create the basing - I will add some tecture and gravestones etc to really bring out the undead theme
Here are a few photos of progress

The proof will come when I undercoat the models to ensure the different parts and green stuff have blended ok. I may have to go over a few areas with Liquid Greenstuff to smooth out the transitions.
I am sure most of you know about liquid green stuff. It is awesome for filling in those little gaps - paint it on and it dries hard. For more info see here.